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SIMPLYFAST is not just new wax, it's an all-new concept to make waxing simple and easy. 

Forget about taking snow temps, outdoor temps, or humidity. Just select hard or soft snow, and glide faster for days.  It's really that easy to obtain world-class speed and durability!

SIMPLYFAST Soft Snow is for all snow you can easily set an edge into:   Fresh powder,  groomed, packed powder, firm old-snow,  soft spring snow.  

  • Fast: We engineered a proprietary blend of wax compounds that puts a fast, long-lasting layer between your base and the snow.    Every day, SIMPLYFAST is impressing skiers and boarders from recreational to World Cup for it's exceptional speed and durability.  
  • Speaking of durabillity, SIMPLYFAST is far tougher than your standard paraffin based wax. It lasts longer, so you wax less often.  In addition to saving you time and money, in long races, SIMPLYFAST is going to stay with you, delivering speed on even the longest courses! 
  • Easy:  For anything you can easily set an edge into, use SOFT.  If your snow is rock hard-injected, etc. use HARD.   
  • Clean: SIMPLYFAST raises the bar for eco-friendliness using only ingredients that are FDA approved for use in food, pharma or cosmetic use!   It leads the industry in cleanliness!

What you won't find in SIMPLYFAST are additives commonly found in almost all other wax brands such as fluorocarbons,  petroleum or paraffins refined from natural gas,  plastics, metals, ceramics, or other common elements that go into the soil and water.  

Research by the University of Colorado and others show  that particulates of all types are a major contributor to rapid snow melts,  which then creates issues for stream flows and your water suppies. What goes on your gear goes into the ecosystem.  

What's in the package:  You obtain 2 big wax blocks in every Simplyfast Soft Snow package, with a minium weight of 160 grams per package.  ( most are actually around 180 g )   to give you not only the best high-performance race wax, but also the best value too!  

Now more than ever, it is why we say Happy skis, Happy Tress! (tm)       

 *   please see the Simplyfast Story under the more info header. 


Click on wax instructions for waxing instructions. 

Always use hand and eye protection and wax in a well ventilaed area.